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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

stitches getting removed

I will be able to post more after next week. I am having my stitches removed at the hospital near my home..... i might have to go see a speciaist. i do not know if I have nerve damage or not. Plus these pain killers are making me sleep way to much.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Getting better for the most part

I am able to type a little better but I fear that I have cut a few nerve endings in my hand when the knife went through. I am on a lot of pain killers and antibiotics. I was just letting yall know that I am ok. I am just sleeping a lot from the medication. I will be in class Friday to present this blog to my peers. I hope all of yall have a great weekend because I will not be posting on here due to finals at georgia Southern University.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

unfortunate incident

There will not be another post for a while because last night I was in the E.R. because I had a steak knife go through my hand. I am on medication and it hurts like hell on earth. I will post again once my hand heals. typing with one hand is just deeply depressing. I also cannot work out for about a month. that hurts the most. lol.