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Thursday, April 28, 2011

A good spotter equals a safe workout

When you are using a person as a spotter when you are unsure of the weight that you are lifting you and your spottrer should know what position both of yall should be in. I will only go over one and that is during the bench press position. On starting position when with both of the lifter's hands on the bar, the spotter should put his or hers hands under the bar (like the spotter is doing a karate chop, but in reverse) The spotter should only let the full weight of the bar rest on the lifter whern the lifters arms are fulls locked vertical above the lifters head. This preventas a finger slip on the bar. CHALK SHOULD ALWAYS BE USED during any heavy lifting. When the weight is being lifted down onto the lifters chest the spotter should bend its knees as well as keep it's hands under the bar. The spotter only puts enough pressure on the bar, on the vertical push by the lifter, to keep the spotters hands on the bar. When racking the bar the spotter should rlease the pressure off of the lifter and help rack the bar onto the metal claws that hold the bar in place.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Stepping up to this line.

Many people ask me about grips when it comes to dead lifting and power clinging. Also..... people ask me about if they should use hand chalk or not. Yes! absolutly use hand chalk. Injuries may happen and frequently happen with dropped weighted bars. The standard grip for a dead lift is one hand over and one hand under. Either hand can do this.... your preferance. :

Make sure you start lifting with your knees before you use your back to make sure you do not strain your lower back and lower abdominal muscles.

Power clingling is another story. Both hands are over on this exercise. Like before..... bend with your knees first.

Monday, April 25, 2011

On my way to GNC

I was driving to GNC to pick up some whey protein and I started thinking about this blog. I understand that these supplements can make you bigger with veins pertruding and all of that, but you do not have to look like that. A lot of people do not want to look like a steroided freak! understandable of course. It is very simple..... use the supplements for energy and just lift light weights a lot of times. It will tone and sculpt your body like michelangelo's david and not Mr. Universe.

Taking a day off

I decided not to work out today because I am resting my mucles trying to get them to rebuild. Plus that Turkey from Easter needs to stick. lol. I hope everyone had a great Easter. Mine was great for the most part. Food, fun, and freakishly large turkey was great.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

P90X Commercial: Part 1 of 3

Changing your routine and muscle confusion

Many people hit what is called a "Plateau affect". It is when no matter what you do you do not gain the muscle mass you have been acheiving in earlier weeks or months. Most times this is caused by "muscle memory" it is the process when your muscles get used to the work that you put on them. This can be disrupted by "muscle confusion"! confusing the muscles in your body can work when you:

1) Stop taking the supplements for a couple days to a week and keep working out.
2) Increase or decrease the speed and or time of your workouts
3) Only workout one part of your body one week and then work out the other the following week
4) Take longer breaks between workouts BUT not long enough for you to get off of routine
5)  Change up your workouts by using yoga, martial arts, palaties, resistance bands, etc.

one of the best examples that uses muscle confusion is P90X.  :

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Coaches and Responsibilities

     Coaches in this generation (for the most part) only care about how much weight a football player, wrestler, or any other athlete puts on or loses. I have been to many sport clinics and they have not covered the hydration issue in great detail. It is known in all sport societies that athletes use supplements to hinder their weight problem or use them to progress the weight gain. No one should ever doubt the affects of low water in their system. Low water levels can lock up your kidneys and and the supplements will not have the right fluid levels to pass through your system. This will leave particles behind that will hinder your workout experience and can injure your internal functions in normal working conditions through your daily routine. A male using these supplements should drink about 12 to 14 glasses of water a day, and women knowng that they carry more water in their bodies should drink 11 to 12 glasses a day. Saying this does not mean that you should not drink more if your body wants it. My response to this is that coaches should have classes over the affects of dehydration and the athletes should have to pass that class in order to play that sport. This comes from my experience of losing an extreme amount of weight due to wtrestling and trying to make weight every week.  More on this can be found at
Any comments about this would be great, especially if you are a young athlete wanting more answers.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pins and Needles

Many supplements that my friends and I use have augmentors in them, or as you could say agitators. The best time to use these is actually not when you are fully awake, but when you are tired. They literally make you "get up and go". These products can produce focus, energy, and awareness when you are tired. You can even use them as just a pick me up in the morning before class. WARNING! If you are not tired, then you have to work out with these supplements. augmentors put so much more oxygen in your blood stream and helps bring in so much mire water that it will irritate your body into feeling that you have pins and needles on your skin. Anywhere there are sweat glands you will feel this. This feeling does not hurt but it may scare a new user to these supplements. Some of these supplements are Jack3d, N.O. Explode, and Shotgun. These supplements are extremely powerful and they contain either Creatine or Nitric Oxide so they are proven to work. Have fun lifting and I can't wait to see the results.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Knowing when not to over do it: Muscles need to build up from breaking down

Everytime you work out your muscles become tattered and they break down. This is why you might not always look bigger after you work out. In fact you may actually look smaller. Supplements may sometimes make you look bigger during a work out because of the excess water they allow you to absorb. Do not mistake this for the ability to keep working out if they are too sore. You may injure yourself in the proceess. no one should work out for more than two straight hours. More oxygen is added to the blood because of these suppplements but it does not allow you to lift more than your body can in a split second. Whey protein along with creatine or nitric oxide willl help in the regrowth of these musclesthat have been broken down. Make sure you pace yourself through the work out and DRINK PLENTY OF WATER! If you do not then your body will not activate the different acids in your body correctly, and adverse affects may happen.

BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids)

Suffrage in the Supplement world

Men can have a very hard time gaining muscle and losing the fat that they want to keep off. Women also have a hard time losing the weight and toning their muscles. The great thing about energy supplements like creatine and muscle supplements like nitric oxide is that they will not make a woman look like Mr. Universe or a steroided freak with veins popping out of their arms. The main purpose of these supplements is to send oxygen to the muscles so that you will not tire in the first thirty minutes of the workout you have composed for yourself. Women too can have the energy that they need to  build the body that they desire. They can lift like they normally do and they also can have the muscle toning that all women want around their mid section to cure the "muffin top disorder". Amino acids help break up digestion, make energy, and help rebuilt the tattered muscles that have been worked out. This clip represents the actions of these. I hope you enjoy and learn more.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Water makes your body not hate you!

Too much of anything in your body can hurt you. If I ever hear of someone saying I drink too much water though I will go on a rage like no one has ever seen. I agree that your body is made up of seventy five percent of water, or some number like that but it is very important to realize, (this goes to the people that have been following my creatine and nitric speeches),  that when using supplements you have a very high risk of hurting your kidneys through tremendous amounts of build up over time. I will admit that no study has ever proven that creatine and nitric oxide will hurt your kidneys, but other supplements (which I will not name) have hurt many people by literally locking up their kidneys and causing them to become extremely sick or the build up has gotten so bad that they have had to get transplants. Most of this was caused by not flushing their system out with water as much as possible. It is the most important thing to do in your daily routine because it plays such a vital role in everyone's daily life.

How to lift with supplements

Poor posture when you lift and using poor technique is going to severely hinder your. At worst, you could end up seriously hurting yourself. Many people believe that you can just walk into a gym and start lifting and they will become stronger, quicker, and they will have massive muscle growth. LIES I TELL YOU!!! This is not only untrue, it is what a lot of people will not get out of their heads. When using a supplement or not using one. You posture under a bar should be the exact same as if you were lifting 300 lbs. or 125 lbs. on your back. everything should be aligned perfectly or you could risk a back, neck, legs, and even abdominal injury. The best way I have found to prevent this is to get together with a certified personal trainer at the nearest gym or recreational area and have them teach you with extremely light weight to show you step by step how not to hurt yourself. PLEASE! DO NOT try to work out with extremely heavy weight if you are just starting out or your chances of pulling something or breaking something will increase drastically.

Fat into Muscle

It is one of the biggest myths that has ever been heard in the gym, in sports, and by your friend that always is going to the gym. Fat does not turn into muscle! Your body burns the fat and you gain muscle by toning your body, and by breaking down your muscles. This is why a man or woman with a lot of fat on them can still be extremely strong. Even though it is not very healthy you can still pack on the muscle pounds and still have fat on you. If you are looking to do this then Creatine or Nitric is not for you! It will give you energy to lift more. It will help you burn off the fat by making you want to get off of the couch and do something. So if someone wants to have the obese look of society then feel free to do so. Just do not use anything that might help you get that summer beach body. In fact never even walk into a General Nutrition Center (GNC). It might make you want to look good to the opposite sex.

When to eat and when to wait.

Many people believe that when you workout you should eat first that way you have carbs to burn for energy. That is absolutly correct! BUT LISTEN! When you are taking a supplement like creatine or nitric oxide you must not eat anything until you work out. The time it takes for the supplement to work is based on your digestive track and what is in it. The best time that I have found is early in the morning before you eat. You take the supplemet and the energy that flows through you is immense because the potence of creatine or nitric is specially formulated for the burst of enrgy and to bring more oxygen to your blood. This information is also posted on

Unfortunate ignorance in the non-lifting communtity

Many people take weightlifting as a easy hobby. You lift weight that you are not used to and you get bigger. WRONG! there are chemicals and compunds that mix with different acids in your body. Unfortunatly.... for people like me, we have to use whey protein, amino acids, and different enrgy supplements just to put on five pounds in a bout a month in a half. There is light at the end of the tunnel my friends! Creatine and nitric oxid is the way to go.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The past of what made!

I have been an athlete almost all of my life. Football, wrestling, swimming, or anything I could make time for. I have been little most of my life, but about the last two years I have taken up weightlifting. This is what i am learning and also what i am doing myself.